Distractions happen to even the most experienced drivers, and 80% of car crashes are due to distracted driving. Keep your driving record clean and avoid auto accidents by following these 8 tips for minimizing distractions while on the road.
1. Don’t text and drive
Sixteen states now ban handheld cell phone use while driving for a good reason. Reading and answering texts is a major distraction that will pull your attention from potential hazards in the road. If you absolutely must answer a text, pull over and handle it safely.
2. Make adjustments before you start
Before beginning your trip, check your mirrors and adjust your belongings. Having loose items rolling around the car can be very distracting. If you plan ahead and have everything you need for the trip within reach, you can easily eliminate that hazard.
3. Plan your route in advance
If you use a GPS device, enter your destination and decide on your route before leaving the driveway. Making last minute turns and changes do not allow you enough time to signal and observe the traffic around you. If possible, use the voice function to avoid visual distractions.
4. Secure children and pets
Having passengers moving about the vehicle is a major visual and cognitive distraction. Securing both children and pets will keep your precious cargo safe and help you keep your eyes and mind on the road.
5. Use your radio presets
Changing radio stations while driving can take your eyes off the road for critical seconds. Have your favorite stations programmed in before you leave so you can safely switch stations with the touch of a single button. Many newer cars have radio controls right in the steering wheel, making it even easier not to take your eyes off the road.
6. Don’t eat while driving
We’re all busy these days and many of us eat on the go. Eating and driving, however, ties up your hands and attention. It may take extra time to stop and eat, but it is time well spent if you can avoid an accident.
7. Stay calm
Driving can be stressful but anger and anxiety on the road can lead to dangerous mistakes. Take deep breaths and slow down if you start to feel anxious.
8. Don’t drive drowsy
It is difficult to think when you are not well-rested. If you are planning a long trip, be sure to schedule in plenty of time to rest and eat before leaving. If you find yourself nodding off on the road, pull over and take a brief nap before continuing.
Keeping your eyes and attention on the road and your hands on the wheel are easy ways to prevent car crashes, especially for new drivers. These tips can help you drive safely and travel happily.